Leonard Nimoy as Paris.
"The Great" Paris was an actor, a magician and a master of disguise who was a member of the Impossible Missions Force. He appeared in Seasons 4 and 5, taking over from Rollin Hand in this capacity. (Martin Landau and Barbara Bain had left after Season 3.) He was portrayed by the late Leonard Nimoy, who had become most famous for his role as Mr. Spock on Star Trek.
personal life:
Though little is known of him,Born in Cleveland,Ohio. We know that his father drove his mother away because he thought he was unfit to raise him.We don’t know if this is true or not and paris disagrees himself.there is also some question about if paris is his real name,if so what is his last name and if not then what’s his actual name. Also,when learning magic,his teacher “meerghan” shot and killed his assistant who he and paris were lovers.enemy agents use this fact to control paris to kill jim phelps in season 5 episode 6 my friend my enemy.