Phillip Bradley Bird, known professionally as Brad Bird, is an American director, animator and voice actor. He was the director of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.
- Ghost Protocol was the first live-action film that Brad Bird directed.
- Brad Bird, along with other notable Pixar directors, are known for adding the code "A113" into the majority of their films, as a reference to the classroom number of the animating class which he attended.
- There are two references to A113 in Ghost Protocol, one when Trevor Hanaway opens the cap on his ring to reveal the A113 engraved on it, and two when Ethan Hunt requests for extraction from Moscow with the code "Alpha-113".
- Brad Bird declined the offer to return for Rogue Nation and has ruled out directing any future Mission: Impossible movies.[1]
- Brad Bird previously worked with Michael Giacchino on The Incredibles, Ratatouille and again on Tomorrowland and Incredibles 2.